Koestler Trust Award

MAP participant's work being put forward for prestigious Koestler Awards

The Koestler Trust is a charity who supports prisoners to take an active role in the arts with a view to encouraging them to make a move away from re-offending. Their aims are:

To help offenders, secure patients and detainees lead more positive lives by motivating them to participate and achieve in the arts.

To increase public awareness and understanding of arts by offenders, secure patients & detainees.

To be a dynamic, responsive organisation which achieves excellent quality and value for money.

Prisoners are encouraged to submit work to the Trust annually for recognition and possible awards. The awards are given at the following level: Platinum, Gold,  Silver, Bronze, Special Award for Under 18s, First-time Entrant PS25, Highly Commended and Commended Certificate.

In our first few months of working in the prison, a MAP participant was nominated and won a Silver Award for a rap he wrote and recorded in the media centre. This year we have two short films and various raps and songs being put forward for consideration for awards.

We wish everyone the best of luck. You are all winners!!